Meanwhile in Italy…

The summer is slowly ending guys, but Saturday September 21st a group of nanotrikes fluttered happily, coloring the skies of Romagna County between Forlì and Ravenna (northern Adriatic coast), happily mingling with biplanes, big trikes, helicopters, paramotors, tubes & canvas, airplanes of all types and shapes, including models , in a beautiful party organized by Ali Soccorso and Piloti di Classe, the two Sport Associations based on the Villafranca airfield.

Unfortunatley, Sunday morning we were disappointed by the rain, that preventing the expected tour to the hills, but on Saturday evening the sun gave us a wonderful tour towards the sea with an Apocalypse Now-like formation!
Guys, how nice it is to meet and share the same passion in this cheerful and easy-going atmosphere, but also technical when needed (the poor Dario “Grif Wings” did his job to keep up with the evening discussions!).

On these occasions, the flight is truly lived in all its facets. Do you want to experience the thrill of a helicopter flight? Here is Roberto who takes you for a ride; hole in the front wheel? Here is Sergio who dismantles his wheel to keep you flying (so I have to go home tonight); do you come from Greece on purpose to try a nanotrike in flight? Here is Dario who gives you the Strike explaining his characteristics; do you have an idea or a project to develop? Here is Silvano who sits down ready to make available his team; you wont to fly in the moment of maximum arrivals? Here is the “tower” that, warned by the land attendant, asks the aircrafts to remain in the holding area. What a show guys, it seems to be in the States, instead we are in a simple and very organized airfield where, with so much passion, friends make available everything they have, except their wives!

And if there are these ingredients and a little sunshine, success is assured: just look at the aircraft parking at about thirteen o’clock, full for the entire length of the runway and 180 people sitting for hangar lunch, served and revered like gentlemen, to the scent of the steaks that are being roasted under the gazebos of the kitchen right there in front. And in the afternoon take-offs I saw some “deviation” (including mine) that something to do with lunch, in my opinion, has it (ahahahahah!).

And the evening? When the Nanotrikers meet from the Alps (Heinrich) to Campania (Luca) up to Belgium (Bart) and Greece (George), passing through the Venetian vineyards and Romagna hospitality, you will not get bored for sure. Besides Piloti di Classe has also awarded our Luca Sammartino for his solitary “nanoraid” of 1200 kilometers around our Country!

Unfortunately, as an old song said, the summer is ending, but the desire to fly and meet again remains. How do we do it? The only thing is to pretend it’s nothing and celebrate the beginning of autumn by flying! Good opportunities are not lacking, Dovera Meeting is waiting for us on the weekend 5-6 October for the Nano Flight Festival, and we will still be able to meet in Rovigo Est on 19-20 October to celebrate the Autumn Flight Festival. Oh boys, if they are not chestnuts, it will be mulled wine!
Meanwhile, look at the photos …

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